Sneak Peek to this year's Gardens

Bringing Work...
Their Own Little Corner Marco.
For most people, they can’t wait to leave the office AT the office…however, when you love your job, it’s hard to resist the temptation to bring your work home. Being a golf pro is a dream job, and apparently enough is never enough, because this yard features a putting green! All members of this growing and active family play. And not just golf!

This yard is a living, breathing, playing kind of place. From the soothing sounds of the pond to the personalities of the specimen plants…there’s a LOT of fun, humor and activity to be found in this bright, happy and growing yard.
Mark Twain said that good fences make good neighbors….but sometimes clever plantings and arrangements do the very same thing. Through careful placement of shrub and tree collections, this back patio feels cozy and intimate, without the restricting feel of a privacy wall or fence. The perennial border and planting islands give the entire yard a feeling of movement and interest. Effortless. It seems almost effortless, like every plant CHOSE to grow exactly where it is.

By tucking the veggies on the side of the garage, and using self-watering planters for tomatoes ensures a productive gardening space that is compact and easy to maintain. Classic pairings of favorites throughout the landscape shows the homeowner’s love and respect for their delightful corner of the world.
Remember being a kid? And playing? And exploring? Marco. And then doing it some more? Polo. These homeowners have been in this home for only 4 years, and yet every plant and planting on the property is due to the adventurous nature of the gardener. She says it’s him. He says, well…she helps!

This yard provides beautiful examples of how to create functional areas, (such as ponds or a veggie garden), focal points (such as specimen trees and art pieces) and how to incorporate exotic flavors into the landscape. ALL without taking yourself too seriously!

Veggies. Fruit. Ponds. Both of the gardeners say it’s just a matter of trying new things and growing through the process of exploring!
begins at home.
Take the girl
off the farm...
With lives that are too often crazy-busy, wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a soothing, relaxing and restful place to go? The host and hostess of this property have created just that. While the pergola and patio would be lovely for entertaining, they are most often used and appreciated for providing a space for restful respite, a place to relax and refresh.

Soothing plantings provide a sense of timelessness, while the fountain happily bubbles cares away. Close your eyes for a moment, and let the serenity fill you…
But it’s awfully hard to get the farm-upbringing out of the girl! Our hostess for this garden is passionate, dedicated and motivated to share her love of gardening and all growing things. Her lovely roses are a testament to her faithfulness and attention to detail, as they provide vibrant colors to the sunny side of the yard….with the shade side of the yard showcasing the lushness of mature hosta.

The yard has been developed with an eye for scale and proportion, which gives the experience of a much larger space, and puts the many loves of this Indiana farmgirl proudly on display for all to share. Go ahead! Stop….and smell the roses!
Artists claim that the world is ever-changing, always growing, forever expanding our experiences and our understanding. Nothing could be more true, especially in this setting.  This garden is a Garden Walk favorite, as the resident artist is always exploring new pairings and plantings and trying new techniques guided by her artist’s eye.

Combining art forms and horticulture, whimsy and statements, this garden demonstrates the artist’s touch and humor….a living, breathing, ever-evolving place of growth.  Colors and forms, textures and lines, blooms and steadfast stones all play their part in this kaleidoscope of beauty and wonder.